Restoring Mac OS from Time Machine Backup

09 Nov 2015


The following is a series of steps and how-tos I’ve used for restoring my Mac from a Time Machine backup. Time machine does a good job of making it simple to restore your applications and files but getting all the settings and preferences back to the way they were before can be tricky. Here I highlight how I get things back up and running the way I like. Many of the settings are specific to my setup and preferences but I hope they will be of use to others as well.

Basic Setup

Show hidden files

This will make it easier to find things on the backup Time Machine drive

Restore settings

Note: These instructions are specific to my particular preferred settings

Restore Applications

Restore applications using migration assistant

  1. Go > Utilities > Migration Assistant
  2. Choose the backup drive to restore from
  3. If you use FireVault, DO NOT restore the either “Admin” or your specific “User”. This will cause problems with FileVault and could make your machine unusable.
  4. Select “Applications” and “Other files and folders” checkboxes (files will not restore Documents or other user files, that will be done later)

Restore Firefox

Restore Firefox profile files (bookmarks, add-ons, plugins, etc) from backup by copying profile folder on backup drive to folder location on laptop.

  1. Close Firefox
  2. Run the following command from the terminal (adjust backup path as necessary):
     cp -r /Volumes/Backups/Backups.backupdb/406c8f4f3d8a/Latest/Macintosh\\ HD/Users/yourUserName/Library/Application\\ Support/Firefox/Profiles/b9t1x3as.default /Users/yourUserName/Library/Application\\ Support/Firefox/Profiles/
  3. For more info see this link

Restore documents & files

Restore developer preferences

Restore .profile

Copy .profile file from time machine backup (adjust source path based on backup location):

cp /Volumes/Backups/Backups.backupdb/406c8f4f3d8a/Latest/Macintosh\\ HD/Users/yourUserName/.profile /Users/yourUserName

Add shortcut for accessing a particular folder

Add the following to your .profile file. to create a command shortcut that works like cd to navigate to a particular, frequently used folder.

function wp() { cd /Users/your/desired/directory/$1; }
\_wp() { \_files -W /Users/your/desired/directory/; }
compdef \_wp wp<br/>

Copy terminal preferences

With terminal closed, copy in your file. This must be done using Finder as Terminal will save its current settings when it closes and therefore can not be running when the plist file is updated.